Easy Drawing Ideas for Beginners Aarif Rahman

Gong fu yu jia (2017) Poster

6 /10

Jackie Chan goes Bollywood

Warning: Spoilers

Honestly, I don't understand the bad reviews. Chan is older, but he still has the moves. The film producers didn't have American millennials in mind when they developed the script. Their target audience was China and India and I am sure the people there loved it. The film, even with its flaws of melding Chinese, Indian and English dialog, is still fun. The car chase in Dubai was incredible and Chan discovering a lion in his car was hilarious. And, in this age of crude and prurient films coming out of Hollywood, Kung Fu Yoga is a good popcorn film for the family.

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8 /10

A fun, picturesque film that explores different cultures

A fun, picturesque film that explores different cultures.

It's like Jackie Chan meets Indiana Jones, in China, Iceland, India, and Dubai!

Some reviewers are slamming JC for making this film, but hats off to him for going outside his cultural expectations and comfort zone.

I have to give credit to the amazing cinematography and location sets, I'm guessing this must be one of JC's bigger budget films.

All in all this movie was just plain fun. The car chase scenes with all those expensive cars in Dubai was off the hook, almost Fast & Furious like, but with more expensive sports cars.

It's a shame for all the hateful reviews... JC still has the moves and is still funny and entertaining as always!

Oh, and 'Little Jackie' was also a blast, I hope his stomach has settled lol.

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4 /10

Chindiana Jones.

Jackie Chan is twelve years younger than Harrison Ford, and can still pull off some impressive moves, but both actors are well past their prime in terms of action movie star power. Ford's last CGI-laden Indiana Jones movie was so bad it gave us the phrase 'nuke the fridge' to describe a scene that is beyond ridiculous. As if to prove he can go one better (or should that be 'worse'?), Chan has given us the Raider of the Lost Ark-inspired adventure Kung Fu Yoga, which is incredibly dumb and almost as much computer-generated as it is live action: it starts off with a really bad CG historical prologue, and just keeps on going with the not-very-convincing digital trickery, delivering CG car stunts, a CG lion, CG hyenas, and CG snakes, frequently against CG backdrops.

Chan plays Chinese archaeologist Jack, who is approached by Indian princess Ashmita (played by drop-dead-gorgeous Bollywood babe Disha Patani) to help find a legendary treasure. Also trying to get his hands on the riches is Randall (Sonu Sood), descendant of the army general who hid the hoard. Or something like that. The plot doesn't make much sense at times, the emphasis on OTT action, not logic. Director Stanley Tong, the man behind the enjoyable Rumble in the Bronx and China Strike Force, delivers one or two 'nuke the fridge' moments of his own, the most outrageous being the high speed chase that sees Chan playing chauffeur to a CG lion.

Not content with just being inspired by Indiana Jones, Tong shamelessly steals iconic elements from Spielberg's movie: there's an attractive female student at one of Jack's lectures who flirts with the professor by drawing love hearts on her eyelids; one of the characters says the line 'I hate snakes'; and the location of the treasure is revealed by sunlight shining through a diamond attached to a staff. Hell, there's even a character called Jones! Sadly, it says a lot about the overall quality of an action film when the most enjoyable scene is the closing, tongue-in-cheek Bollywood dance routine performed by the whole cast (definitely NOT taken from Indiana Jones - I can't see Harrison Ford pulling off any of those moves).

3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for dishy Disha Patani: terrible actress but great to look at.

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4 /10

several issues

In 647AD India, leader of the elephant legion Arunasva revolts against his ruler Magadha. Magadha sends General Bhima with treasure tributes to guide Wang Xuance back to the Tang Dynasty to request for military assistance. Bhima and his men are lost with the treasure. Wang makes it back to China and returns to India to rout Arunasva. Professor Ashmita is from present day India. She arrives in Xi'an to recruit Chinese archaeology professor Jack Chan (Jackie Chan) to find Bhima and the lost treasure. The group finds the lost army in an ice cave only to be attacked by Randall leading mercenaries. He's trying to clear the name of his rebel ancestor and steal the treasure.

This movie is problematic for several reasons. The action is OK but the movie struggles whenever the action stops. The movie starts with a big CGI battle. It looks too video-gamey. The inferior CGI is excusable but it's not a good start. It's also a lot of exposition to unpack. It doesn't need to be when the audience is willing to follow a lost army without learning the Sino-Indian history.

There are some beautiful people but there are also some limitations on the acting. It doesn't help that the writing gets stale at times. I love Jackie Chan but he should be more Indiana Jones. Starting as a professor with all the tech gadgets make him less appealing. Instead of an action hero, he starts too much as a bookish techie. Then there is the treasure hunt. It goes from one place to another on flimsy excuses. There's no reason why Magadha would send a key to the underground treasure to China. The movie ends in a Bollywood dance off. I understand the attempt but it sucks out any remaining tension. This has the potential of an action adventure but it suffers from ongoing stumbles.

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6 /10

Jackie Chan goes all Bollywood on us!

Well, not all Bollywood. Not enough dance routine to make that claim ( Unless like me you count Jackie's Kung Fu fighting as dancing)

I herd some Bollywood director was suppose to film it but backed out leaving Chinese cinema veteran Stanley Tong to fill the void. It's a great action adventure film (with a bad title) in what looks like it could be the sequel to Armour of the Gods or Operation Condor (which in America would be considered Armour of the Gods 2).

Jackie Chan plays Jack Chan (Really?) an archaeologist looking for a treasure that connects Chinese and Indian culture, and when he finds it this ultimate Bollywood Archetype comes after him for it.

It's not Jackie at his prime but he's at his best mixing humor with action. You'll See him do little stunts like jump through a luggage carrier with style (most of us half his age can't do that) and you'll see him do some really good old school kung fu moves like he did in Fearless Hyena.

But he's too old to be breaking bones for our enjoyment. Instead, he provides us with typical action movie fluff. Not to say that's bad. There is a car chase in the movie that is pretty fantastic.

This was an excellent return to the Jackie from yesteryear.

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7 /10

A vivid action-adventure fun ride through Arab, Chinese and Indian cultures

Kung Fu Yoga is as stereotypical as its title might suggest but despite average acting performances, artificial special effects and a weak plot, it's an entertaining, fast-paced and quirky movie that mixes stunning fight choreography, exotic settings and an intriguing mixture of Arab, Chinese and Indian cultures.

The story revolves around India's lost Magadha treasure in Tibet that is searched by three different parties: Chinese archaeologists, descendants of Magadha royalty and a ruthless group of mercenaries led by another descendant of an Indian royalty. The plot has a few minor but overall predictable twists. While the story is overall of an average quality at best, the movie focuses on fast-paced action- adventure elements in the key of the Indiana Jones movies. Short humorous passages and mythological elements add to the genre potpourri.

There are a few truly memorable scenes in this movie. The opening animated history sequence is quite unusual and starts the movie on an original note to give the audience some background information. The closing dance choreography as well as the vivid soundtrack are also quite entertaining. The best part can however be found in the middle of the movie and consists of a spectacular chase through the streets of Dubai involving a vomiting lion. Despite the ridiculous idea, I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while which means that the makers of this movie have accomplished their mission.

Kung Fu Yoga doesn't take itself too seriously and that what makes its charm. It's an entertaining movie that works best when you switch your brain off and try to enjoy the ride. It offers a colourful, exotic and explosive change from your everyday life. It also marks one of the few major collaborations between Chinese and Indian cinema and I hope to witness more occasions where these two countries join their forces. Kung Fu Yoga isn't an essential movie but an entertaining action- adventure movie for young adults and teenagers in particular.

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5 /10

Why India and China are only local players!

The biggest nonsense I have ever seen. There is no worse CGI in any film. Embarrassing fake friendship from China to India. Super bad acting. All the actresses are models. Top! Jacky Chan looks like 100. When the Chinese resort to Tibetan armies in the Middle Ages, you know about the propaganda level. Only playable in India and China.

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2 /10

No...Please Jackie WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

I can't believe it, Jackie Chan is a LEGEND, he knows how to make action, he knows how to make a good story, but this?!

THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM IS THE CGI, look, I know Jackie is trying to go new school with the CGI because he is getting older but honestly this is NOT the way to do it, this was some of the WORST CGI I have ever seen especially considering that Jackie Chan is pretty much considered an "A List" actor.

Here is what gets me though, Jackie Chan knows how to make a good story, want proof? Well he directed "Police Story" and "Project A" movies like that way back in the 80's and even more recent "Who Am I" in 1998...

After that I feel like he's been trying to depend on CGI just too much, I don't really know what to say, it's like the movies he's recently made feel too rushed? Skiptrace, Railroad Tigers, and Kung Fu Yoga ALL FELT LIKE RUSHED HALF ASSED MOVIES...

I don't know what Jackie Chan is thinking... Before around 2010 and below it felt like his movies were perfect, no rush but now since after that it's almost like he's just pumping out movies just for the money and little to no care is gone into them...

Jackie you are from the golden age of cinema, DO NOT ADAPT the CGI, I say just go back to how you used to make movies in the 80's and 90's EVEN THOUGH you can't do the stunts you used to be able to do just use doubles when necessary... YOU CAN STILL DO YOUR FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY, there is nothing stopping you from doing that, people just want to see you doing your stuff and you have a lot to offer just in hand to hand choreography anyway that does not require CGI or any doubles!

But what the hell do I know? We are living in a CGI world now unfortunately...

P.S the only reason I rate this 2 out of 10 is because there were quite a few good fight choreography moments

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4 /10

Not What I Was Hoping For

Why? Seriously, just why? Jackie Chan once again delivers a boring adventure movie that doesn't even come close to the heights of his early career in the 80s and 90s. Kung Fu Yoga is boring, dumb, way too cartoonish, and not that fun.

I have the same problem with this that I did with Chan's other 2012 action/adventure project, Sap ji sang ciu (2012). Both movies focused way too much on the adventure plot, with way too little of a focus on why everyone loves Jackie. Yes he's funny and likable, but we want to see him fight and do stuns and there is painfully little of that here. The girls' roles were obnoxious and not well fleshed out, and the scene with the hyenas was ok, but a little annoying. The villain is not very evil, and too OTT. He's annoying, and seems like a villain from a Disney movie. The ending has to be one of the weirdest movie endings I've ever seen. Like, the entire cast does this big choreographed dance, and they sing. Seriously, what?

Stanley Tong, obviously trying something new, should stick to his usual action territory. This movie's marketing made a big deal out of him directing, which is fair as he's responsible for some of Jackie's all-time best vehicles. Here though, he abandons everything everyone loved about his previous works for this strange, strange movie.

There are some fun action scenes. The fight in the ice caves, the street fight, the fight with the briefcase, the car chase (in which Jackie drives a car with a lion in it), and the final fight. The long climax in the caves with the artifacts is very derivative of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), and while the final fight is ok, it's a little short.

I can't recommend this one, and even Jackie Chan fans should exercise caution. It's not very fun, and much screen time is given to people we don't care about. It seems here that Jackie's losing his edge for the action scenes, but he proved that he obviously still has it with The Foreigner (2017) in the same year.

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1 /10

We might be closer to finding the answer to the question, Which is the worst movie ever made?

Jackie Chan movies while never really good are always fun to watch. The comedy elements in the fight scenes always make them fun to watch. I recently saw a Jackie Chan movie titled, Railroad Tigers which was actually quite good.

With Kung Fu Yoga, Jackie Chan has undone all the good work that he has done in the many decades that he has been active. To say that it is a bad movie would be to insult all the bad movies that have been made.

Kung Fu Yoga is a monstrosity of epic proportions. Its like the director has a rich father and one morning he woke up and decided to blow up a few million of his fathers money. I doubt he is held a camera in his hands before. I am certain that when he started shooting he must have shot a few scenes with the lens cap on till someone told him that its supposed to be taken off. I bet Ram Gopal Varma is a better director than this clown who made Kung Fu Yoga.

Disha Patani & Amyra Dastur look beautiful but by God they cannot act. It is a sad testimony to your acting prowess if even Jackie Chan is a better actor than you. Its like that scene from Oprah....you get a car! you get a car!. Its like there is someone in India going around finding good looking women and telling them, you are an actor! you are an actor!You all are actors! I don't know if this classifies as a Hollywood movie but if it was, Disha Patani would be walking away with the Razzies for worst female actor. She might even get a lifetime Razzie. If she gives up right now she still has time to learn a new trade like carpentry or lathe work. By God she is terrible at acting.

All in all an hour & forty minutes of mind numbing movie making. If you liked the movie then you need to get yourself medically evaluated by a professional. You cannot be normal and like this movie.

Might just be the worst movie ever made.

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1 /10

Highly disappointing

Cheap trash from every aspect. Cheap CGI, really bad acting, awfully bad story. BTW stuffed even with some Chinese state propaganda slogans ('Belt and Road'). I don't intend to start any political discussion, but it sounds really unnatural to add such lines to an action title. I cannot understand how JC could participate in this shameful movie.

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Message To Jackie Chan

Hi Jackie Chan.. Everyone loves you in India.. but please stop acting in lame movies like this. I recommend you to act in next part of rush hour or..even reboot Armor of God franchise.. Please.. we do not expect you to do such low budget bad movies.. this is very disappointing.. this is a really bad movie and a poor choice.. you are a legend.. why would you accept such lame movies? I don't understand this.. please do something new.. Entire world loved Armor of God franchise.. you should make more squeals of that one rather then such dumb movies.. It is really sad to see your reputation going down by poor choices made by you.. please on the love of Jesus.. be vise when you select movies.. we are really waiting for some amazing movies from you as everyone loves you a lot.. please make something cool... thank you..

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9 /10

Multicultural Family Film (No Spoilers)

The overall plot is that Chan teams up with an Indian archaeologist who is interested in a historical legacy that is shared by India and China. Chan's team is devoted to the respect and preservation of this joint history and its ancient roots. (No Spoilers, but things are not quite what they seem.)

Another great action film featuring Jackie Chan, here a modern version of Indiana Jones with the added touch of his classic kung fu moves. (In fact, Indiana Jones is referenced directly at one point in this movie. (No spoilers!)) Several humorous scenes mixed in with the usual combination of action scenes that are typical in Chan's movies, and as usual kung fu saves the day. It's refreshing to have a family-friendly film. Choreography is great throughout, but most especially in the closing scene, which is meant to emphasize the unity Chan's team strives to discover.

Great use of costumes and technology throughout the film. Intricate set designs and a few scenes showcasing the beauty of modern India and classic artifacts from both cultures. (Whether the "artifacts" are authentic or fictional, I can't say for sure, but the effects are brilliant.)

(It would have been great to have cleaner subtitles, though, which is really the only negative about the film.)

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2 /10

Kung Fu Yoga review

Warning: Spoilers

First, I must say that I have been a big fan of JC for many many years, from his early films to the current. For his sake I give this 2 stars. Otherwise this film is really a low point for him. Its great to see him still involved with cinema while we understand that he is getting up there as his best trademark stunts and martial arts years are behind him. However...whew..this one really blows chunks. From other reviews I've read there seems to have been a reason fro him to engage in a Chinese-Indian collaborative effort, but the result was lame and laughable at best. Could this mess truly have costed $65 mil?? Lets begin: The story arc of having to piece together historic clues to search for long lost artifacts that proceeds to become a treasure hunt running around to various locations that leads to another "final" treasure is soooo cliche, Indian Jones formulaic and just poorly done. Especially with "actors" that obviously have no chemistry between them or just seem so out of place within the whole scope of the film. It starts with a low-qual CG cartoon and ends in cartoon-ish style with the "villain" seemingly filled with a spiritual revival joining the the cast in one of those horrendous and awkward Bollywood synchronized gang dances as they all bow down and worship a statue in true pagan style. Wedged in between all of the noodnickery is an exotic car chase (with the only brief laugh of a CG lion stuck in the back seat of JC's vehicle), and some of JC's kung fu antics sprinkled about to seemingly remind us of his legendary prowess. The whole movie has lacks originality as well as even the minutest amount of quality acting. It's as if a chef with no culinary knowledge just tosses a bunch of disparate ingredients into a large pot and then serves it up hoping that he actually made something edible. Another solid entry into the Netflix menu of unpalatable, torrid-tasting indigestible sea-chum that has no redeeming value or reason to be remembered. Compliments to the chef.

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5 /10

A boring movie with few good moments

Kung Fu Yoga was named after the co-production of Indo-Chinese partnership. Of course there is a lot of Kung Fu, but wait a minute where is Yoga? You can't see a bit of Yoga in it.

The movie was good as far as Jackie and the action scenes are concerned. Jackie Chan was excellent in his stunts and comic expressions. He hasn't disappointed his fans and he brings in a surprise dance performance in the item song.

Apart from Jackie nothing works in the movie. Even Jackie Chan's actions are restricted at times. The movie travels from China to India, a bit of Dubai for just one car chase scene. Too much of information are poured in the first 10 minutes of the movie which actually confuses the audience.

Kung fu yoga poster Few minutes into the movie just feels this is not going to be what it should be. The beginning doesn't feel like a beginning, It just starts abruptly which indeed has driven out the excitement in watching the movie.

Sonu Sood who carries the Indian baddie role should have been a bit better. He doesn't feel like a baddie at times. Disha Patani as Jackie's lead is OK. Wearing some high valued ornaments, dresses with fur are the major contribution she delivers. The age old rope tricks, some floating tricks by sadhus might impress few (Does the movie really belongs to 2017?).

The item song which casts the entire cast was one of the few good moments in the movie. It was great and watching Chan dance was extremely pleasing. There are few good moments to wake the sleeping audience.

On the whole the movie is one time watch for family audience.

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2 /10

When two different ancient arts meet.

This is not some film. The project was decided when two leaders of the respective nation met a couple of years ago. More like it is China's move to mend the relationship with India. So except Indian cast participation and a few Indian locations, this is completely 'made in China' and for the Chinese market. Like always any Chinese product, this is not a quality product. Just an another 'The Myth' from the same director.

Team up between India and China is a rare thing in filmdom, so I was curious about that. It should have been a star studded cast, but from the Chinese side, it does, not on the Indian side. The worst screenplay award goes for Mr. Tong. Literally, it is a retelling story of those great treasure hunt adventure films we had seen so far in our life. Even Jackie Chan could not save it. His presence failed to do the usual magic. Like his signature, action-comedy, nothing new to appreciate either his part or the film.

The story follows the famous Chinese archaeologist Jack, who teams up with his Indian counterpart for a new quest. Equipped with the modern technological tools, the crew heads for a frozen lake in the Himalayas. It's the first and an important clue for the rest of the treasure hunt. But it was interrupted by a group of armed men and soon the tale flies to Dubai, followed by Western India, where it comes to end with lots of action and adventures.

❝'Vastu Shastra', the oldest book ever written about architectural design.❞

The opening scene sets in some thousand years ago. The graphics were very poor in that part. Even computer games have much better CGI work. So I lost the interest in the film within the first sixty seconds. The stunt choreography was unbelievably terrible. I mean too much unrealistic, I felt it like I was watching some kind of commercial Tollywood/Rajamouli film. Surely this film was not made under the art and the film-making value. It seems nobody was interested to participate or make a quality film. They made it to just to keep the promise made by the politicians, so it was wrapped up awfully.

I thought it was a bad combination of words for a title. Kung fu and Yoga. Like the polar opposite, two different philosophies. One is violence and the other one is peace and healthy. Though not bad how those two were utilised to tell the tale. This is a watchable film, but no good at all. Might be the worst Jackie Chan film I've ever seen. Promoting the unrealistic road projects in the film was a bad idea, and enough reason to flop in India.

There are many good actresses in India, but they have picked Disha Patani. She's a real beauty, but the performance was worse than the film's graphics. I could not stand for her dialogue deliverance. She just read them rather than expressing naturally as any actors do in the world. The end was really disappointing. An easy compromise. It's good for the real life, but not good for an entertainment film. Those who are seeking treasure hunt film, just stay away from it. Because it looks more like a parody than a distinct one. Overall the film was overwhelmed by lots bad parts. So easily a skippable film of the year, which has a big name in it.


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8 /10

Delightfully Ridiculous

This is a delightful (perhaps unintentional) parody of Hollywood action films (not just Indiana Doom and the Temple of Jones). We can see how absurd it is to have "heroes" from a different culture present themselves in a foreign nation. The Indian bad guys are exceptionally bad performers with their boss Randall character being creepy as well as nefarious. No wonder this was a box office failure in India and a blockbuster success in China.

The CGI was quite a good except at the beginning with the mammoth elephants - I took that as acceptable given Professor Jack was telling a story (background to the plot)

I watched the dance scene thrice. It reminded me of the promotional video for "Romancing the Stone".

Cheeky Fun.

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3 /10

A Rather Bad Sino-Indian Project

In an effort to locate an archaeological site of incredible historical significance, one professor from China named "Jack" (Jackie Chan) and another from India by the name of "Ashmita" (Disha Pitani) team up to combine their resources. However, the fact that this site also contains an incredible amount of treasure as well results in other parties following their every move in order to glean as much information as they can for their own ulterior purposes-and these people are willing to do whatever it takes to get their hands on it. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film turned out to be rather disappointing for a number of reasons. For starters, I didn't care for the animation or computer graphics used on several of the action scenes. Likewise, the humor wasn't very sharp, the action itself was quite tedious and the script was just plain awful. As a matter of fact, about the only part of the movie that was any good was the ending which had a really good song and dance number. In short, while this might be entertaining for younger audiences, I didn't especially care for it and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.

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9 /10

Good to all family.

I always have been a Jackie Chan's fan and in this movie I felt like when I was a kid watching the Jackies' old movies. If you want to have a relaxing moment and give some laughs, go to watch with the family, in special that person who liked Jackies' classic movies.

I watched in a movie theater in China, so I enjoyed even more with the reaction of the Chinese audience that laughed a lot hahaha.

But If you want a something serious and realistic, go elsewhere. There a some special effects that are not so special and it seems that they made it on porpoise to reinforce the idea that is just fun and is not trying to be an remarkable movie but just one modern version of the old Jackie(that is in a good shape, despite the age)

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4 /10

A disappointment, whichever way you look at it

Warning: Spoilers

Jackie Chan has been on a roll of late, churning out film after film in a short space of time. This one's part of an unconnected trilogy that includes RAILROAD TIGERS and SKIPTRACE. Of the three, SKIPTRACE is the only one I can say that I truly enjoyed; the rest have been middling or, in the case of KUNG FU YOGA, pretty bad. Jackie plays his reliable self here and there's an extended cameo from old buddy Eric Tsang, but those are the only good things about it.

The plot heavily copies INDIANA JONES (a character is even called Jones) and involves the hunt for some ancient treasure in India. It's a bit like THE MYTH, but not as good. The only bit I liked was the photorealistic CGI historical back story at the opening of the movie. The rest is a mish mash of really bad attempted comedy scenes involving the young cast members, who are all completely dreadful actors delivering stilted lines throughout. I thought the Chinese actors were bad, but they're nothing compared to the woodenness of the Indian actors. The action is CGI dominated and Jackie's fights are always sped up, which is disappointing, and the predominance of CGI animals is more annoying than anything else.

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2 /10


Meandering, aimless plot, bad cgi animals, worse cgi car chase, and campy acting.

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3 /10


I've watched Jackie Chan's movies since young. When watching a movie featuring Jackie Chan, you would expect the standard of movie to be that of CZ12, Police Story and Rush Hour. But I was so wrong as the movie started. The CGI was so bad and there were many pointless scenes at the start. There was no chemistry between Jackie Chan and the princess and their scenes are painfully awkward. Some scenes were confusing as there was no purpose in including the scenes. The CGI, yes, it was horrendously unwatchable. Why did they animate everything for the first scene when they can just use a green screen? Even the people were animated! The English dialogue was awkward as hell and the characters sound like they were memorizing lines instead of speaking to each other. However, there were good points of this film. Even though the English dialogue was really bad, the Chinese dialogue flows well(only if you actually speak the language). The chemistry between Amyra Dastur and Aarif Rahman was surprisingly good, despite the fact that they spoke different languages. There were some scenes that was funny. However, all these good points just isn't enough to cover the flaws of the film. Overall, this film is not a good Chinese New Year movie and there are better Chinese New Year films as compared to this movie this year.


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4 /10

Pretty to look at, but mostly dull

I had some hope for "Kung Fu Yoga", seeing that it was directed by Stanley Tong, who had directed Jackie Chan in some very entertaining kung fu movies in the past. Although I really like Jackie Chan, I was very disappointed with this particular effort. It's not the worst movie Chan has appeared in recent years - it definitely is better than "Railroad Tigers" and "Skiptrace". And the movie is gorgeous to look at, thanks to a combination of scenic locations, nice looking sets, and very good cinematography. But the movie is surprisingly dull or lacking sufficient spark to really be a grabber. I realize that Chan is older now, and is lacking the nimbleness that he had in the past. But I still think that his fight scenes could have been better choreographed and directed - here the camera is more often than not close up, and there is more editing in the fights rather than showcasing the fights with lengthy takes. The script could have used some work as well, being that the plot has some confusing touches, and doesn't provide a satisfying ending. You will see a much better movie struggling to get out throughout, but it never quite gets out of its mediocre quicksand.

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7 /10

you typical jackie chan action comedy

Warning: Spoilers

So i pretty sure Kung-Fu Yoga is the sequels to the highly anticipated jackie chan movie The Myth in 2005 that also directed by Stanley Tong featuring Jackie as an awkward and funny Chinese archaeologist but also very good at kung-fu.This time the journey takes place in India with a missing crystal that lead Jackie and his gang to discover a history mystery between the china and India.If you a hardcore fan of Jackie you will sure enjoy this movie because it has some very beautiful cinematography,a fun energetic cast members that delivery good slapstick comedy,many well choreographed martial arts fight scene and cool stunt sequences delivery by Jackie as always but but the thing that ruin the whole movie for me is the overuse of animal GCI attack scene,some very bright and colorful scene that make my head dizzy and a ridiculous final arc when during the final showdown between Jackie and the main villain it suddenly turn into a genetic Bollywood musical scene that make me very angry

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1 /10

The worst Jackie Chan movie I've ever seen!!!!!!

It's a commercial success because everyone was expecting great things from a JACKIE CHAN's movie just like I did. However it literally made me SICK. Super awful!!!!!!!! Too many ridiculous scenes and bad directing. I am too too disappointed in this. It is such a waste of your reputation and talent! Please don't ruin my head again. This will definitely make me rethink again before any of Jackie Chan movie coming out. I was 100% sure I would have a good time watching this before it blew up my head and drove my stress to the max!!!!! With all due respect to Mr. Tong the writer and director, please think again before you come up with some similar half done work and I do hope you could take a script writing class to reduce the non-sense in any of your dreamed projects. And Mr. Chan, kindly do not ruin your reputation with anything like this ever again...I was all fan until now ...Awful!

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4217392/reviews

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