Reddit I Am Going to See Him Again
A mother has taken to social media to seek help after having sex with her son… Yeah, her biological 18 times.
The baroque story which was shared by @AHoeStory on twitter was met with mixed reactions, as many are doubting the authenticity of the story.
According to the lady, She says she is a mother of iii children, She says her family is well to do, but the problem started when she went into her son's room unannounced and saw him naked.
'I immediately fell in beloved with his manhood, His manhood is so large with a curvy caput and a scrap long', she gave a detailed description of what she saw.
Now it's become a regular matter for her to sleep with her son, as they've done it at least 18 times.
She says she is confused and needs advice.
Read how she shared it below:-
So Guys 👇
Drib Your Sincere Advice For The Mother?
Permit's hear…
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Madness of the highest order.
You become listen sleep with ur own son,
Tell the boy sorry you are very lamentable information technology's because of too much love y'all have for him and stop doing it once more bitch
endeavour as muchas possible to stay abroad from him …restrict coming shut to him
I dont see nothing wrong with it SHE Blessed Him with a hung cock theres zero incorrect with sucking the cum out teaching him to exist proud of his cock due north proceed mom satisfied
Weird ass mf hope yous're not allowed anywhere near any children
And the son agreed to fnck the mother xviii times. it's a shame
Chaii Nawaoo,this is rubbish menn.Tufiakwa in that location is God oooo…
For me oooo it's fourth dimension for cease of life Yoruba pple say Tia ba ba Eran wi Kia ba Eran wi what about that stupid son self any way I don't have annihilation to say just be praying everyday
You hav already distroy your son life for make him just his dick inside you, madam y'all need delivrance for modan year. Devil
she don spoil the mind of the pikin b dat naaa
You don't have to stressed your son cuz of his manhood. Let go of him and come over here my manhood is more bigger his, I'thou gonna requite to you Juz the manner you ever want it.🙏🏽
death penalty , information technology a way of raping your own son and it an Abomination … only send him away from your asininity and never try to meet him … detect any man whos dick is okay and so fuck him … non your son any more Madam . give your senses
Delight why the insult nobody is perfect this adult female need help but try to stay away from your son in a private identify
This woman go be ruins girl wey like sick before she marry, how volition you lot masturbate because you saw your sons dick
God foreclose badtin haw cn u do such things ha-ha.may de almighty God help u distribution
Zucas I know u are equally to de tasks. De Truth is bitter u know…. May de Lord assistance u all.dat into devil
I dont understand y u are confused afterward virtually 18 times, u should be comfortable nt saying its a good matter u're doing though.
Hell is yours…U carried him fr adept 9 month n u are sucking his dick
this what we telephone call sexuality la uncontrol_able
don't you take a married man to cure the charge per unit of your sexuality.
See adult female ask God for forgivness and tell your husband the truth to relieve your concience.
lolz gbogbo iwa east lo da
see allow us be frank….it is like u r mad upstairs….d boy u gave birth to….. it is uncalled for…….. aw would u do dat? u desire to ruin ur son's life…. I can't believe dat dz z happening in Nigeria
Naijaloaded postal service these comment to her,pls I know it's not easy but by determination she should read psalm 51 and ask God for forgiveness but not her alone plus her son,madam pls remember twise almost what y'all doing pls.give thanks y'all
Mtcheew, some person volition sit and write something to proceeds attending and comments.
Well, if true, cease it. You can practise it, only pray, inquire for forgiveness and take ya mind of it.
please my fellow naijaloadites. She asks for aid not INSULTS. My dearly beloved mum, what you need is to phone call your son, y'all sit him down and appologise to him. Call all your family unit members and confess.. Then have Jesus for He alone is capable of keeping you out of such sin. Call me on this number if you need more counselling 08101673377
she said Help not INSULT…. Nosotros all are sinners… My dearly beloved mum…. Accept Jesus Christ, confess your sins to God and to your family… Appologise to you son… Phone call for more advice 08101673377
oh nooo. since ur son is 20yrs and u had sex with him almost 18times,I advice u to consummate the sexual practice 20t like ur son age and stop then later u all look for divine help.
mama u are very wrong this is non mistake considering is more xviii times beg for forgiveness and end it because you lot take him every bit urban swain or husband don't try it once more is abomination
Mama u ar very wickede sinc since u announces now god will pardon u an dont get back to to such ting again!
I volition advice but of them become for deliverance,son sleeping with his mother it's self imposed expletive ..remember d story of Ruben in Bible…. Pls ma visit a good church building for deliverance give thanks u
This women seeing his dick she may exist horny considering I don't anything wrong Dr for the woman to be masturbating may be she is horny
u need deliverance pls go to the church and inquire for Gods interventure
daze mama,
it is very shameful on yourself and you spoil your own son time to come.
it is the work of devil spoil you lot , you can go to pray to church and forgive your ain sinner against God. you must cease sex with your own son. your son can sexual practice with his sisters mean your daughters,aunt,grandmother and others members of family ,because you teach him bad testify.
please stop it. God has forgive you.cheers
Abomination sleeping with ur son non one time only xviii times u don't demand any advice and don't say it d devil if i should advice u seek d forgiveness of male parent GOD
Mama talk to ur husband to solve things out then that u must not be always scared of him now ur son is addicted to this matter
Aught wrong with having sex activity with your son. Merely every bit long every bit he doesn't go you lot pregnant. You lot should suck and fuck him as much as you want to. He is over eighteen so information technology's all legal. You merely go on fucking him and when your other son gets of age you should have your style with him besides.
If I had son and I new had big dick I would be playing naked in front of him so he could lick my puss and have sex activity with him
I no if my son had large dick l would be walking effectually my business firm with short dress no knickers with vibtor in pussy then he could see my pussy dripping wet all over the firm and he could beverage my cum
I will exist it son come with me 7680982245
The family that fucks together , stays together. in my example that is a no brainier. I started fucking my mother when I was 12 yo in 1950. She sucked my cock ooodles of times. My dad got into the act too. I sucked him off, and swallowed gallons of his cum.My sister who is 10 years my junior, was fucked by our dad when she was 12.Family unit sex activity is GREEEEEAT.!!!
And they call me crazy 😂
Let him stick it in your donkey!!! Then Allow him cum deep inside of the hole he came out of!!! Then hot!!!
Both are developed.
If both of them like to take sexual practice, so information technology is OK.
Healthy sex relationship between mature homo and woman.
Only, non pregnancy, then it will become INCEST.
You don't know what incest is lmao.
Definitely time to put an terminate to this.
Find yous someone else to satisfy your sexual needs. I'll gladly assistance you.
My Mommy Sucks My Dick all the fourth dimension also and I Fuck Her Dainty and Hard in Her Pussy and have e'er loved it
How sometime is your son and how sometime was he when you first started doing it
Thats hot you made his big dick yous should suck it and fuck it every bit much as y'all desire!
You lot made it and if feels actually skilful in your pussy why would y'all stop because of strangers opinions?
People, the lady said aid her not insulting her. Now I know information technology'southward hard to resist such a temptation only try to stay away from hi no no no, staying away may lead to other weird things since the boy has already had sex with his own female parent no one who what thoughts are going through his head but merely go to him and tell him all what'due south causing such situations, apologize and ask forgiveness from him. Pray to Allah for forgiveness and promise for the best to never do that once more.
If it feels adept it probably illegal or immoral. That said, get momma. don't harbour those guilty feelings. He is yours.
It's bad and admittedly not encourageable, anyhow exercise the right thing and turn to God for assistance, he'll show you mercy.
My girlfriend is 39yrs and she has a 19yr onetime son and they both get nude in forepart of each other. But when I bring this to her attention she gets mad and says I'm looking at affair all wrong. He has sent her pictures of his cock and she told me he had the biggest erect she's ever seen in person. Requite me some insight delight.
Madam if that is good for y'all and then continue,but if it'southward bad then try to stop it.
She should drop her pants and be ready to take him whatsoever fourth dimension he wants it! Later on all information technology is his!!!
I think it'southward pure sin here in mother is above than god nosotros worship our female parent and even dreaming of what y'all did with your son is sufficient for committing suicide. Now a days information technology's all happening because of porn sites. Govt of every country should ban such sites
Uhm, e no get wetin musa no go meet for gate oh. My sis, i advice you and your son to stop, tell your husband the truth, and ask your husband to forgive you, then go to God in prayer, and enquire God to forgive y'all, and don't exercise it again.
Crazy bitch your a jackass daughter fucking ur own son that's fucked up !
Bitch your son is a dickhead for letting you do this.
what you demand lady is to be arrested. The charge is incest and rape-your one ill in the heed woman
you demand professional person help. Stop already you morally bankrupt adult female
Unsure if woman are attracted to a man just because his penis looks skillful to her. Woman are sexually attracted to men for other reasons other than penis looks and size.
The woman just they talk sexual activity stories nhi jare.she don watch to much porn cause this only happen in porn movies
With assurance full of cum to drop on her face every night, how nice. Help sleep well. Even while mama is sleeping is expert to jack off on her lips and clasp her nipples. Wen morning time come, my dick got existent hard, she went in shower and I came in to. I put the lather on her ass and slipped in there then tight cum so hard in i minute and no adventure of pregnancy in the ass.